Using Proxies with Redux Types

One of the most common problems that I run into when using Redux is trying to figure out why an action is not being captured by a reducer. For someone just getting starting with Redux, debugging this issue can be especially overwhelming because of how Redux manages data flow. So before you start pouring over configuration code, or the logic contained in your action creators and reducers, please, make sure your action types are defined and spelled correctly.

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Component Kits for React Native

You won’t find as many styling solutions for React Native as you will for React JS. This stems from two simple realities:

  1. React Native is a much smaller target for component libraries than traditional CSS frameworks. In other words, Bootstrap CSS can be used with any web framework, whereas component libraries for React Native only work with…you guessed it…React Native.
  2. Customizing React Native styling isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Many apps demand custom styling, which makes component kits not too useful. In addition, it is challenging to customize each and every component, as the flexibility that you gain with traditional CSS on the web doesn’t carry over easily to component libraries.

With that said, here are a few options.

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The Diverse React Navigation Ecosystem

The routing ecosystem around React and React Native is quite different. One is characterized by a strong incumbent, and the other is plagued by rapid change.

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Leveraging React for Easy Image Management

React is a good tool when it comes to building flexible and reusable UI components. However, it’s “one of those libraries” that cannot handle all the tasks involved in building a full fleshed UI project. Other supporting tools - such as a recently announced React SDK from Cloudinary - are available to provide solutions that the React core cannot.

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Native's Exponent with Charlie Cheever

React Native continues on a development spree in late 2016. With an ambitious two-week release cycle, the framework makes rapid progress towards feature and performance parity with its native Android and iOS equivalents. At the same time, these quick release periods frequently introduce breaking changes, difficulty with setup, and challenges with basic configuration.

Enter Exponent, a tool that promises easier setup, development, and deployment of React Native applications. Rather than being a replacement for React Native, as it is sometimes confused, Exponent augments React Native by dramatically simplifying the development and deployment processes. Whereas basic setup with an Android environment to develop with React Native can take over an hour by hand, even for experienced engineers, Exponent shortens the time to start to “Hello World” to a handful of minutes.

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Routing in React Native with Jake Murzy

Jake Murzy has been hard at work creating a new navigational library for React Native over the last couple of months. While React JS has the benefit of the highly-regarded React Router, such a comprehensive routing solution doesn’t exist yet in the React Native community. In fact, React Native’s routing landscape has been in constant upheaval for the last year. The library itself has official three ‘navigators’ for handling decision making on which components to show the user, including ‘NavigatorIOS’, ‘Navigator’, and - more recently - ‘NavigatorExperimental’. The open source community likewise has the packages ‘React Native Router Flux’, ‘React Native Router Native’, and ‘React Native Redux Router’, which of which are in various states of completion, or, more commonly, disrepair.

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Playing With React and D3

D3 is great at data visualizations, but it manipulates the DOM directly to display that data. Rendering DOM elements is where React shines. It uses a virtual representation of the DOM (virtual DOM) and a super performant diffing algorithm in order to determine the fastest way to update the DOM. We want to leverage React’s highly efficient, declarative, and reusable components with D3’s data utility functions.

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How to Make Your React Apps 15x Faster

Without any modifications, React is really fast as-is. There are, however, a few things that you can do to improve performance. While working at HelloSign, I discovered some quick fixes that made our apps incredibly snappy. With these simple changes, I was able to reduce render time from over 3000 milliseconds to less than 200 milliseconds.

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Building Redux Middleware

After writing my post a few months ago on building your own redux app, I have been asked a couple times to write a guide on creating redux middleware and how it works. This will be a quick post on how you can acheive anything with your own middleware!

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React Router & Webpack in Production

I’ve been working on a pretty large react-router codebase at work. Currently it has around 50~ code splits, which as you can imagine, is a lot of routes. This is going to be a post on the things I’ve learned throughout building out my development / production config and how we are using webpack in production.

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