ES6 Gotchas

Function Bindings

<div onClick={this.handleClick} />

What’s wrong with that? If you’re not using React.createClass, which autobinds functions, you need to do it yourself. The correct way would be add it to constructor:

import React from 'react'

export default class ComponentName extends React.Component {
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)

Another way of dealing with this is by enabling stage 0 in babel to include es7 classProperties

Warning Use with extreme caution. Since this is Stage 0 - Strawman. This is subject to change in the future and may require a bit of rewrite of your code.

The idea is to combine fat arrow syntax which automatically binds to this. A more detailed explanation can be found here

export default class ComponentName extends React.Component {
  handleClick = (e) => {

It may seem tempting to use handler.bind(this) or the ES7 :: handler syntax to bind handlers in the component’s render() method. However, this may break the optimization of the PureRenderMixin and will create a new function every time the render() method is called.

export default class ComponentName extends React.Component {

  handleClick(e) {
    return (
      // this will create a new function every 
      // time the render method is called
      <button onClick={::this.handleClick}> click </button> 

Static Property Initializers

In old-school components, you can do this at the start of your component:

propTypes: {
  field: React.PropTypes.string

In ES6/7 components, you have two options, you can specify them after your component class, like so:

Component.propTypes = {
  //prop validations

Which works fine, but I think doing this is a lot better:

class Test extends React.Component{

  static propTypes = {
    //validate here


What’s the “gotcha” you might ask? You need to enable stage 0 babel transforms to use this.

Have more examples that you would like to add? Please add on to this post by sending a pull request!