Building Redux Middleware

##Basic middleware

const customMiddleware = store => next => action => {
  if(action.type !== 'custom') return next(action)
  //do stuff!

Applying it:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, } from 'redux'
import reducer from './reducer'
import customMiddleware from './customMiddleware'

const store = createStore(

Whaaa? store => next => action => I know that looks confusing. Essentially you are building a chain of functions, it will look like this when it gets called:

//next looks something like this:
let dispatched = null
let next = actionAttempt => dispatched = actionAttempt 

const dispatch = customMiddleware(store)(next)

  type: 'custom',
  value: 'test'

All you are doing is chaining function calls and passing in the neccesary data. When I first saw this I was confused a little due to the long chain, but it made perfect sense after reading the article on writing redux tests.

So now that we understand how those chained functions work, let’s explain the first line of our middleware.

if(action.type !== 'custom') return next(action)

There should be some way to tell what actions should go through your middleware. In this example, we are saying if the action’s type is not custom call next, which will pass it to any other middleware and then to the reducer.

##Doing Cool stuff

The official guide on redux middleware covers a few examples on this, I’m going to try to explain it in a more simple way.

Say we want an action like this:

  type: 'ajax',
  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  body: state => ({
    title: state.title
    description: state.description
  cb: response => console.log('finished!', response)

We want this to do a post request, and then call the cb function. It would look something like this:

import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

const ajaxMiddleware = store => next => action => {
  if(action.type !== 'ajax') return next(action)
  fetch(action.url, {
    method: action.method,
    body: JSON.stringify(action.body(store.getState()))
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(json => action.cb(json))

It’s pretty simple really. You have access to every method redux offers in middleware. What if we wanted the cb function to have access to dispatching more actions? We could change that last line of the fetch function to this:

.then(json => action.cb(json, store.dispatch))

Now in the callback, we can do:

  cb: (response, dispatch) => dispatch(newAction(response))

As you can see, middleware is very easy to write in redux. You can pass store state back to actions, and so much more. If you need any help or if I didn’t go into detail enough, feel free to leave a comment below!